In the Markthalle in Krefeld the Metro Group shows how it sees the future of its large food stores. Over a period of six months the former real,- supermarket was turned into an ultra-modern store with a completely new look and concept. A highlight of the newly developed prototype is the "showcase of specialities".
Here food is presented and freshly produced in a classy atmosphere – from butchers and bakers to a whole coffee roasting facility. The fish and wine departments complete the offering. Not only can customers take products and food home with them, they can also consume them in spacious food service and dining areas. The classic supermarket product assortment including select non-food products is also attractively presented.
A balanced mix of planar and accent lighting efficiently presents the lively zoning of the retail space.
Furthermore, to encourage purchases it is important to optimally bring out the quality and freshness of all different kinds of food products – from finger food to sushi and pasta. To this end the ID luminaire series from BÄRO was fitted.
The series boasts newly developed LED hybrid technology where an innovative 3D silicone lens directs more light to the target surface in a controlled manner and enables scenographic lighting concepts. With five beam characteristics and twelve LED light spectrums the series is a flexible tool for implementing the many different lighting requirements. Tailored to each special product area warm standard light colours or product-specific light colours are used, for example the cool colour Fish&Seafood for the fish and oyster counter. The design concept is supplemented by multi-purpose classics such as the recessed luminaire series Intara RD 16x.
Accentuated, brilliant and vibrant at the same time the light in the Markthalle, Krefeld encourages customers to look around, enjoy and buy.
Markthalle Krefeld
Hafelstraße 200
47809 Krefeld, Germany
Lighting design:
start.design GmbH
Kupferdreher Straße 266
45257 Essen, Germany
Used products: